Friday, September 24, 2010

My wrinkle in time came at 8:11 AM today. My mom sent me a text saying "I love you!! Have a great day. =)" and with an audioclip attached with a guy singing, "It's a beautiful daaaaaayyyy...."

So now, though I am at a very boring job I am trying very desperately to get out of, I am smiling, because today is going to be a great day, simply because it is beautiful and my mother loves me. Oh, how I love my mom and how great she makes my day.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Making Wrinkles

I don't think I have cancer. No one around me has died recently. I was never abandoned by my parents. In fact, not a whole lot bad has ever happened to me. On the other hand, not much extraordinarily wonderful has happened to me, either. And then one could argue that I have to make those wonderful and extraordinary things happen myself. This is not the point of my little rant here, so don't lecture me just yet.

Being Mexican, I have mediocre skin, which I have only recently begun to try to care for more than I normally would. As I am 25, it has started or will soon start to lose its elasticity, and down drops the forehead and eyelids and jowls. I'm very much not looking forward to this, so I've started a special regimen in the morning, which seems to have helped improve my face a little bit.

Why in the world should anyone care about this? No reason at all. In fact, if someone did care, I would tell them that they probably need a little bit more of a life. No, I said all that to lead into the --very short -- discussion of this blog's title.

On my twenty-first birthday my mom and dad gave me a list of things to keep in mind as I continue to grow up. One was to smile and laugh often, because everything isn't so serious and frankly it's just nice to enjoy life rather than wallow in misery when something doesn't go my way. Since then I've often tried to remind myself of that. Mark Twain said, "Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been." I like to think that the efforts I am putting into my face will help to prevent wrinkles. But I also like to think that when all the frustrating little surprises in life happen, I could learn to live with laugh lines. So I try to smile and laugh more often than not. Those kinds of wrinkles are more than welcome to join the rest of my face.